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As a continuation of my last post, I graduated two days ago! My first impressions of a graduation left me assuming that a graduation was just a party with all our family and friends. I was wrong… not totally, wrong, but this was far more emotional than I anticipated. There were only 4 of us graduating, since I do (or rather, did) a co-op group for school. First, there was a guest speaker who came and spoke to us about Daniel, Shadrach, Mishach, and Abednego. He preached that they all had solid foundations, just as we did, and they chose to maintain their identity through Christ by following exactly what the Bible told them because they stayed true to God. It was very inspiring and left me feeling hopeful and more faithful. Then, each parent got up and spoke with their children. When my parents got up, I thought “Oh, this will be fine. Sure the other parents teared up, but my parents know me and that I’m reliable and independent. They know I’ll do fine in Denver.” Yes, they do. But they are very good at hiding the fact that they will miss me. My mom spoke first and 3 sentences in, she had to stop so that she wouldn’t cry. Once I saw my mom choke up, I knew I would be nothing but waterworks. I have been looking forward to Denver so much and I tell my parents all the time that I will be FaceTiming them everyday, but I didn’t realize that I would miss them as much as I do, even though I’m not gone right now. I’m ready to leave the nest and start my own life with new adventures and experiences, but I sure will miss seeing my family everyday. I finally, truly, felt bittersweet. After that, my dad spoke and again, he started tearing up, and again, so did I. Aside from when my parents spoke, I just love seeing these young adults through the eyes of their parents. It’s such a candid and honest moment. I love it. After the graduation, I went out to dinner with my family. My parents had a present for me. After everyone ordered their meals, they told me to open it and it was a MacBook Air!! In fact, it is the device I am using to write this blog post. Thus explaining the reason why I am able to blog so frequently… because it’s so much easier! My next post will be concerning the results of my Grease audition… stay tuned!

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